Closing files between stacks (new user)

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Closing files between stacks (new user)

Post by Nekoninda »

I am fairly new to Helicon Focus and Helicon Remote. I am successful in creating a focus stack in Helicon Remote, sending the images to Helicon Focus, and rendering the final image. I am unsure what to do when I want to create another stack of a different subject. In Helicon Remote, I can capture the new set of images. When complete, Helicon Remote asks me if I want to send the images to Helicon Focus, just as it did when I created the first image stack. However, when I say 'Yes' for the second image stack, nothing appears to happen in Helicon Focus. The previous set of images and the previous render remain in the Helicon Focus display.

I have looked for a way to close the old files in Helicon Focus, and have not found a method. My work-around is to save all the images and project files, and then quit Helicon Focus after every stack is processed. (I'm sure I have more to learn about saving things properly). After quitting Helicon Focus, I can create a new stack in Helicon Remote, and then send it to Helicon Focus successfully. But I imagine that there is a better workflow, than to quit Helicon Focus after processing each image stack.

I appreciate any guidance and instruction that you can provide me. I searched the forum for this topic, and didn't find it. I am using a Mac with the Mojave OS, version 3.9.12 M of Helicon Remote, and version 7.7.5 of Helicon Focus.
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Re: Closing files between stacks (new user)

Post by JonSverre »

It is easy, just do File-Remove images and File-Remove all outputs. You are only removing these from Helicon Focus, not from your disk.
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Re: Closing files between stacks (new user)

Post by Catherine »

Every time you send a stack into Helicon Focus, a new instance of Helicon Focus is open. I think what's actually happening on your Mac is that the new instance is opened in the background and you didn't notice it. I've just checked on macOS 12.1 and the latest beta version of Helicon Focus 8 from our website, and the new instance is brought up to front so it's hard to miss. But I remember that there was a problem with it opening in background. Not sure it if it's the new version of Helicon Focus or the new version of macOS that fixed it.

As for the "remove all outputs" and "remove all images" commands - they're purely cosmetic, there is no reason to use them other than to un-clutter your workspace.
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Re: Closing files between stacks (new user)

Post by almahmoud84 »

firsly I'm confused how to do it , but when found the way it's so easy to do
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