Blurred Areas

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Blurred Areas

Post by Okavango »

Hello, I have shot a spider sitting on a mushroom, using the camera built-in focus shift and combined the photos with HeliconSoft. Now the areas to the sides of the spider's legs are blurred. The root cause for this is pretty obvious: In those photos which are focused on the mushroom the spider's legs are out of focus and consequently wider than in the photos where the legs are in focus. When I try to correct this in the HeliconSoft post-processing section, the out-of-focus legs of the spider will become visible.

Does anyone have a clever idea how to fix this issue? The only way I can think of is
  • copy the stacked photo
  • copy 1: use a convenient tool (Lightroom, Photoshop) to "repair" the incriminating areas in
  • copy 2:separate the spider
  • overlay the two copies again
It would be a nightmare to keep the fines hairs of the spider in step 3.

Thanks for any contribution, and best regards,
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Re: Blurred Areas

Post by Catherine »

You can't cheat physics, but you can make some adjustments to make the blurring less pronounced. For example, Phil has recently shared some tips here: viewtopic.php?p=27246#p27246
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